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Our Projects and Events

 East New York 4 Gardens' mission are as follows:

Project 1. Community Gardens

 In the community needs written by our community board we are a low income, high level in school drop outs and medical stress neighborhood with high blood pressure, diabetes and bad eating habits .Our community is know for it's violent. This organization programs focus is on combating these issues that plague this  neighborhood through this resource. (Our community gardens and park lands)

 a. mentoring youths through adult gardeners (closing a communication gap)

 b. entrepreneurship using plants as commerce (learning to become enterprising) 

 c. learning about natural foods to eat better ( a healthy community lives better   and longer)

 d. learning about ecology and the care of nature for a better community.

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Project 2. New York City Parks 

  The problem with these gardens and parks are they are run by adults who lacked the resources to maintain these gardens. East Brooklyn needs our youth to get involve. The drug epidemic in the 90's has left a communication gap between the adults and youths in our area. We want to close this gap through horticultural therapy and jobs that we can recycle many of our youths to become better citizens. The tools we ask for will assist our gardeners and be out for loan to qualify community groups who need assistant to beautify the area.

We will continue to work with GrowNYC, Brooklyn Botanic Gardens, Partnerships for Parks, New Yorkers for Parks and others to make our parks better. 

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Project 3. Our Community
East New York 4 Gardens will partner with any community group that goals or missions are similar in supporting our community by:


a. Lending out tools to them.

b. Getting our core group and volunteers to assist them with events

c. Partnering with them in grants.

d. Surplus vegetables and fruits will given to the volunteers who assist the project.

e. Surplus plants will be planted in needed areas in the community with NYC Parks and Community of East Brooklyn.

f. Focus on environmental issues that plague our area.

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